Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Coneflower, originally uploaded by kquilts.

It seems I am really bad at blogging. Not that I think the content is bad really. I'm just not consistent. I have not done much in the way of art this year, and I am trying to get back to a regular practice.

In my last post I told of two of my paintings being accepted to a juried art show at Delicato Winery. This is an annual show. Neither painting sold, but I didn't really want them to. I will enter again next year, but submit paintings that I would like to sell.

This coneflower picture is one I have been wanting to paint for a while. They are such pretty flowers. I have had the reference photo for a while. It was painted with a (gasp) set of Prang watercolors. So not what I usually paint with, but for the sketchbook, it's okay. I will be painting this one again, either with Holbein, or Daniel Smith watercolors, to make a comparison. I will post the comparison as it gets done. Bye for now

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