Monday, April 27, 2015

Bead crochet

For a couple of years I have wanted to learn bead crochet.  It wasn't easy.  I tried learning from others' blogs.  I tried YouTube videos.  I tried books that came with DVDs.  Nothing helped.  

Last month I attended Bead Week at North Ranch Escapees park in Congress Arizona, an annual event that follows Woodcarving Week. It was five days of beading classes.  One of which was bead crochet.  I was excited!  Maybe with one on one tutoring I would learn.

It was frustrating.  It was confusing, but I did walk away with an understanding of how it works.  At the end of the class, I went back to the RV and practiced with beads smaller than the 6s we had in class.  I used 8s.  Finally success!  I have since made three crocheted bracelets and am currently working on the fourth.

 Few more bracelets I made recently:
I can't remember the name of the first one.

This one is called a Cellini spiral. It's a form of peyote stitch.

Can't remember the name of these.
I really look forward to Beadweek next year, though I understand the format will be much simpler.
Till next time....

Thursday, April 23, 2015

A Change of Pace

My, but it has been a long time, hasn't it?  I have been around, but not writing blog posts.  Let me tell you: things have changed around here.  First, our family has endured the loss of four family members.  Each one of them held a special place in my heart.

Other things that have changed are my love has retired so we have more time to spend with each other.  I love that.  We have done some traveling which has been fun.  Last month I attended a week long beading seminar in Arizona, and hubby attended a week long woodcarving seminar.

I have been doing some beaded kumihimo, among other things.  This is one of my projects: 

Design by Linda McConnell. 

Another new thing is the addition of a new pet.  A Siamese kitty we have named Ziggy.  He is very sweet.   We just have to get the other cat used to him.
That is about all that is new around here.  See you soon.