Saturday, April 25, 2009


Rhododendron, originally uploaded by kquilts.

I have been wanting to participate in the Virtual Sketch Date challenge for months now. I finally sat down this last week and made two attempts at the chosen picture. I liked this one best of the two. The reference photo was by
Jeanette Jobson. I enjoyed this process a lot. It was interesting to look at all the different ways other artists approached this challenge.


Sydney Harper said...

That's what I like the best about the Virtual Sketch Date - seeing how people approach the same subject. I always learn something from the experience.

I like the lively colors and I can see the sunlight hitting the buds.

Lynn said...

Nicely done! I'm glad you took the time to do the challenge this month. It's a beauty!

Dana S. Whitney said...

Me, too. Enjoying the variety of responses to the same "prompt"... (and narrower than Illustration Friday!!). (PS: Beautiful Quilt.)

MILLY said...

A pretty little painting.
Love your quilt too.

Paulette said...

Beautiful bright flower.
Very nice!

DALowe Artist said...

Beautiful sketch! - my rhododendrons are popping open - I'm planning to sketch them tomorrow to catch on my EDinM days :-) I like the bright colors you've used and the way you did it. What watercolor pencils did you use?

Karen said...

Thank you all for the comments. I am anxiously waiting for Mays photo to go on the VSD blog so I can get started on it.