Thursday, May 16, 2013

A False Start

There is a group on Facebook that are holding a challenge called Every Day in May.  The goal is to sketch something each and every day.  A list of prompts is supplied so you have an idea for what to draw.  I joined this challenge.  I was good for the first week, then fell behind and have not yet caught up.  I still hope to, and that is my reason for this blog entry.  Here is what I have drawn so far: 

Day 1 draw something bubbly.

Day 2 draw your favorite sound.

Day 3 draw something that represents joy.

Day 4 draw your socks.

Day 5 draw a pine or fir tree or eucalyptus.
I missed this one.

Day 6 draw perfume or a scented product.

Day 7 draw something you got for free.

Day 8 draw a coffee pot.

I will be working on the remainder, though I am a week behind.  As I do so I will post another entry here.

See ya next time! 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Coneflower, originally uploaded by kquilts.

It seems I am really bad at blogging. Not that I think the content is bad really. I'm just not consistent. I have not done much in the way of art this year, and I am trying to get back to a regular practice.

In my last post I told of two of my paintings being accepted to a juried art show at Delicato Winery. This is an annual show. Neither painting sold, but I didn't really want them to. I will enter again next year, but submit paintings that I would like to sell.

This coneflower picture is one I have been wanting to paint for a while. They are such pretty flowers. I have had the reference photo for a while. It was painted with a (gasp) set of Prang watercolors. So not what I usually paint with, but for the sketchbook, it's okay. I will be painting this one again, either with Holbein, or Daniel Smith watercolors, to make a comparison. I will post the comparison as it gets done. Bye for now

Monday, January 7, 2013


We are one week into the new year today.  I meant to post earlier than this. I don't usually choose theme words for the year, but this year I have.  I chose the word earlier, but as of today, Jan 7 I have even more reason why this word is appropriate.  My word is FOCUS.  This year I am planning to focus more on art.  Specifically painting, oils, acrylics, and watercolor.  The reason I chose focus was because I tend to get a bit "scattered" with what I am doing.  Yesterday, though, I found out that two paintings I submitted in a local Fine Art show were accepted.  This is a juried show, and I had heard that the competition was quite tough.  I made it past the jury and am in.  I didn't win any awards, but that's okay.  I MADE IT IN!  I feel like I graduated!  The only downside is that these two paintings had to be available for sale, and I had really wanted to keep them.  They may not sell, and then again, they may.  We shall see.
 A little watercolor painting I painted in a sketchbook:

Here's two more for you, though not watercolor.
 The cell phone picture and the pear are both painted in AurynInk and Ipad drawing program
Such a fun way to draw.